Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 12 More on E-Learning

(Blog Moderator: Stephanie W. and Charity O. )

Question 1:
We discussed in class e-learning and its frustrations. As future teachers we are and will be at the other end of the spectrum where we are doing the teaching as oppose to the learning. What comes to mind when you think of E-Teaching?
From reading 1__http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=GX94ws03o3o&feature=related__ and others.

Question 2:
What is JITT (just in time teaching) enumerate the advantage and disadvantages? Would you consider JITT for your classroom?
Reading 2b __http://serc.carleton.edu/ introgeo/justintime/__ and others.

Question 3:
We had a lengthy discussion regarding the ineffectiveness of online classes especially on the part of student/teachers engagement. We believe that e-learning will constantly need improvements and problems will arise it does not necessarily mean that we should give up on e-learning entirely. What are some of the ways you can think of to make online classes more engaging? Provide a concrete example or an activity.
Reading 2 a/c __http://www.ion.uillinois.edu/ resources/tutorials/overview/ nutshell.asp__
__http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/ en/Instructional_design_model__ and other readings.

(You can draw your answers from multiple readings not necessarily the one posted.)


e teaching?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 11 E-Learning

1.According to the second reading, e-learning is defined as: internet-enabled learning that encompasses training, education, just-in-time information, and communication.

What is your definition of e-learning, and how has e-learning changed/affected your teaching?

2.If additional e-learning training and usage is required of educators, how will you incorporate it into your classroom? Give one concrete example.

3.Is it necessary to alter the NYS Technology Standards in order to increase the usage of e-learning in the classroom? Why or why not?