Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 10: Free and Open Educational Resources

Question 1: Reading 1--Downes

"Imagine a world in which every single person is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing." -Terry Foote, Wikipedia

What are the advantages of OER? Explain Downes argument concerning the term "open?"

Question 2: Reading 2- B

How has the open source movement affected software development? How has it affected your classroom, your colleagues classrooms or your school?

Question 3:

Find an agrument/statement/quote from one of the articles this week that you did not understand or agree with.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Open Source/Open Course

Question #1
Reading 1 Open Source/Open Course Learning
By: Robert Stevenson
"Free software is a matter of liberty not price. To understand the concept you should think of free as in "free speech not "free beer." What does he mean?

Question #2
Reading 1 Open Source/Open Course Learning
By: Robert Stevenson
Stevenson argued that OS inspired approach can revitalize education. Do you agree that bottom up approach is better than license and packaged software? (Copyrighted)

Question #3
Reading 2 Open Source 2007: How did this happen?
By: Brad Wheeler
Brad Wheeler offers two different scenarios of the future of OSSP. Which is most likely to happen and why?

Question #4
Write a one or two sentence definition to which you think open source software means?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 8 Technology Integration: Why, What, and How of Effective Technology Use (II)

Reading #2 Mary Scroggs school
Would you want to work in such a technology rich school district such as Mary Scroggs Elementary? What would be the benefits or the downfalls of such a school?

Reading #5 A “Fantastic Super” Use of Technology: Closing the Digital Divide.
Once you have come back to reality what problems could you foresee this school having? What do you already do, or could you take from this article to try in your classroom?

Reading #6 Sherman Oaks School: A Seamless Integration of Technology.As a teacher, what do you view as the best way to perform staff development when it comes to technology? (Seminars, On-Line Training, Classes, Boces)